Brianna Frerich
Jul 21, 202316 min read
Background (as a Prelude to "Decisions")
I have been faced with window, but now two open doors. Let me back up... After my parents accident (a story for still another time), I...
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Brianna Frerich
Jul 20, 20235 min read
Thinking Classroom Journey--Day 1 (Part 1)--A Draft from the Vault (circa October 11, 2022)
NEW: This beauty is from my 5th year as a teacher, which would be my first year teaching high school, my first year in Arizona, and my...
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Brianna Frerich
Jul 20, 20232 min read
Almost there...--A Draft from the Vault (Circa May 16, 2019, first year as a teacher)
NEW: This one hit me a little. This is another piece I found sitting in the drafts vault, never to be finished because teaching took that...
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